Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gluten for Punishment

The verdict is in...I have a gluten intolerance.  What does that mean?  Well, that means I do not have Celiac Disease, but I have antibodies that normal people do not.  Essentially this means no more bread, pastries, cookies, pasta, crackers, or anything else made with gluten.  How long does this diet last?  The rest of my life.  Ont the bright side, I can still eat Mexican food as long as it is not made with flour tortillas! Oh how I love Mexican food!  Also, I was told that I can eat ice cream and other fattening things and actually lose weight. How is that for a diet plan?

Anyway, for the next lifetime I will be experimenting with gluten free recipes.  I am going to try baking things with rice flour (I hear it makes things rock hard...I am determined to find a solution!), and eventually I am going to try to make my own rice flour.  But, until then I need your help.  What are your favorite recipes that do not include gluten? What would you miss the most if you could not eat gluten?

Oh, and everyone should eat some pasta, bread, and delicious treats this week for me!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Monday

This is what my week will look like:
-study for abstract algebra
-go to the doctor
-teach junior high students about pre-algebra
-study for abstract algebra
-grade papers that will most definitely frustrate me and cause me to lose hope in our educational system
-study for abstract algebra
-complete the take home portion of my abstract algebra test
-study, study, study for abstract algebra

On Friday night I plan to collapse and not think about math at all.  I will hang out with Colt and do something lazy like watch a movie while eating frozen pizza.  I am in for a long week of group theory and proofs.  At least I don't have to write an essay!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Ok, so I know that was yesterday, but today Colt and I have been married for six months!
I love you, Colt!

Snowy Weekend

This weekend we:
made snow angels

took non-creepy pictures

rode snowmobiles

(See! Even I did it!)


and took funny pictures of ourselves!

We had a great weekend.  It was exactly what I needed to just get away for a few days and spend time with Colt and Dan. 

What fun things did you do this weekend?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

In Need of Ice Cream

After a few trips to the ER, we went to a regular doctor today.  He decided that this pain is related to my previous symptoms of nausia pretty much everytime I eat.  Thus, he thinks I am either lactose-intolerant, or am allergic to gluten.  So, for the next two weeks, I cannot eat anything that has milk products in it.  So far we have come up with dry cereal, peanut butter, pasta and sauce with no cheese, chili with no cheese or sour cream, fruits, and veggies.  I don't know if I can do this for two weeks.  Literally everything I eat has some form of milk in it, and sour cream is a staple in our house.  Really though, look at your food labels.  Almost everything says "contains milk" at the bottom.

Any other suggestions of things I can eat that do not contain milk products?

P.S. This is going to be especially hard because Colt just bought girl scout cookie ice cream, and my Mom is going to send valentine's candy which will be fully of chocolatey goodness.  Boo!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Fairytale

Once upon a time there was a girl named Karen.  She woke up early one morning in horrible pain, so her husband took her to the emergency room.  Karen and her husband were there for five hours while the doctors ran blood tests and pushed and poked random places in her "abdomen".  (She may or may not have been chastised for calling it a stomach.)  It was then decided that Karen needed to wait for another day before the doctors could determine the problem, so Karen was sent home (after a shot of morphine).  At home, Karen got to sit in bed with an IV in her arm and drink the disgusting "juice" the nurse gave her in case she had to have surgery the next day.  The next morning, Karen woke up and went back to the ER ready for a second blood test.  It was determined by the third doctor in two days that this pain was not appendicitis.  Now, Karen is lying in bed at home, only drinking clear liquids, and still in pain.  There is still no diagnosis.  Goody.  The end.

Thank goodness for a loving husband, an amazing family, some great friends, and a kitty who sits with me while everyone is at school or work.