Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Things I Love

I have been a little down today, so in order to cheer myself up I thought I would think of some things I love.
I love:
-g-chatting with friends and family to get me through the day
-sewing. It's therapeutic.
-the fact that this is a 4 day week
-Dr. Pepper and almond joy pieces at work
-clean, jersey knit sheets on my bed
-my husband
-Chuck, NCIS, House, Parenthood, and all of my other favorite shows

What do you love right now?

Catching Up

I'm so excited because the virus on my work computer is finally gone, so I can blog again!

I can't believe it has been so long since I last blogged.  There is no way to catch up on what's been going on, so I guess I will just list some things to get caught up.

Here's what's going on in our neck of the woods:

-I got a job at Colt's office doing receptionist/secretary work. Not my ideal job (teaching), but it isn't too bad and it gets us a check every week.
-I finally got my teacher's license! It's kind of anti-climatic printing it out from a website, but at least I can be a real, live teacher now.
-Colt is still waiting to hear back from grad schools. It's a long wait, and it's driving me crazy to not know where we are going to be next year.
-I hurt my knee again.  This sounds bad, but really it's ok because it's giving me an excuse to go home. I have to go to a doctor in Colorado...darn!
-I have fallen in love with my sewing machine. I love to sew. I. Love. It.
-I finally got put on the list to substitute teach. Of course, this came right after getting my job...so now I have tough decisions to make. Money vs. my love for teaching. I don't know what to do.
-I love working in the office with Colt. I get to see him more, and we get to eat lunch together everyday!

I guess that's a basic update of our lives. Hopefully now that my computer is fixed I will be able to blog more often.