Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today I Love...

Today I love that my constant battle with the cashiers office, admissions office, and financial aid office is over, my graduation papers are almost done, I only have one class, and it finally snowed.

What do you love about today?


Amy said...

I love that our Christmas box from Mom and Heather finally arrived.

Daniel said...

The thought of going to visit you and Colt in a month. That and sopapillas.

emily said...

Today, I love that I was able to sleep in and go to work late, incurring only minor consequences. I also love that the snow had stopped by the time I left my apartment. (Thanks for asking me to think about this, because I've been having a hard time finding things to be happy about today.)

Charlotte said...

Phew for you! I'm grateful that I have church today and that I got to sleep in a bit.